Sede Legale Via Pietro Chiesa 9, Torri Piane
16149 Genoa (Italy)
VAT 02329170993
Cap. Soc. 960.000,00€ i.v.
Reg. Impr. 02329170993
C.C.I.A.A. 02329170993/2015
R.E.A. 477857 di GE
For the treatment of pain and functional recovery
For a quick functional recovery thanks to the total man/device synergy
For the treatment of musculoskeletal pain
For the evaluation of motor function and balance in standing position
The information provided on our website is supplied as a service to our clients and should not be used in place of advice and recommendations from qualified, registered medical sources. Always seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional if you believe you may be suffering from a medical condition discussed on our site.