Work with us

We are looking for Agents/Distributors
to expand our sales network

Behind every great project there is always the work of extraordinary people: women and men with high skills who, every day, work with passion and commitment in order to achieve the most ambitious goals.
We believe in the challenges and skills of the Collaborators, who represent the key to our success, and together we want to build a close-knit team, interested in being the protagonists of our business and grow with our Company.
If you think you have the right skills and desire to work in a dynamic and constantly developing reality, send us your application.

Fremslife, tecnology for health, dispositivi per la salute e il benessere, Genova

If you want to know more, send us an email and you will be contacted as soon as possible.



    The information provided on our website is supplied as a service to our clients and should not be used in place of advice and recommendations from qualified, registered medical sources. Always seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional if you believe you may be suffering from a medical condition discussed on our site.

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